Category Archives: Uncategorized

Join In the 2020 Hog Wild 5K with WBNQ

Join In the 2020 Hog Wild 5K with WBNQ

The McLean County Fair had to be cancelled for 2020. However, the Hog Wild 5K race will still take place! The race will take place Sunday, August 2nd. With the safety of participants in mind and guidelines to being followed, the race will be run in heats of 40 people. Because of this the start…MORE

Zach Sang Show

25 years old…went to college until they kindly asked me to leave half a semester in. I can only wear two different pairs ofMORE

Flyaway To Mars POSTPONED

Flyaway To Mars POSTPONED

Due to COVID-19, the closing of Illinois bars and restaurants, and Las Vegas shutdowns – the Flyaway to Mars contest has been suspended and indefinitely postponedMORE

Toys for Tots 2019 Drop Off Locations

Toys for Tots 2019 Drop Off Locations

Every year WBNQ teams up with McLean County Toys For Tots Campaign to collect donations of new, unwrapped toys for the kids of McLean County.MORE