Category Archives: The Susan Show

Davies visits Clinton Lake

Davies visits Clinton Lake

I am many things, but the “outdoorsy” type is not one of them. With the move away from home, a new job, the attempt of making new friends, basically new everything, I decided why not try my hand at a new hobby. In Cincinnati, the landscape is known for it’s hills and foliage variety. Living…MORE

WBNQ Preview : Dark Phoenix

WBNQ Preview : Dark Phoenix

20th Century Fox is tying to set the world ablaze. X-Men’s Dark Phoenix is one of the franchise’s most iconic story lines in it’s marvelous history. I’m very excited that this will make it to theaters before the potential Disney buyout of the characters. But…just with an book to movie adaption, there are some variances between the story linesMORE



There is good news and bad news to this story. The places that want you to visit, aren’t open yet, but the places you can see now, may not want you to come.MORE

WBNQ Preview : Bumblebee

WBNQ Preview : Bumblebee

Davies here ✌️ Not going to lie, before I saw this trailer, I was pretty over Transformers. After the losses of Meghan Fox, then Shia Labeouf, followed up by Mark Wahlberg joining the mix?! It’s just a little much for me Michael Bay. But just like any good franchise, if things aren’t going well, let’s drop back…MORE

WBNQ Preview: Captain Marvel

WBNQ Preview: Captain Marvel

You know when a trailer starts off with a Blockbuster reference, you’re in for a good 90’s throwback. That hopefully means killer music as well! MORE