In 2012, I was part of a WBNQ promotion that changed my life. We gave away a wedding in a week! Let me tell you, there is a good reason we don’t do this anymore.… MORE

In 2012, I was part of a WBNQ promotion that changed my life. We gave away a wedding in a week! Let me tell you, there is a good reason we don’t do this anymore.… MORE
You guys…”Spice World” (the movie, not the place you buy curry powder) turned 18 this month, Emma “Baby Spice” Bunton just turned 40, AND the Spice Girls announced they will be doing a reunion tour this year (with or without Victoria Beckham “Posh Spice because she’s apparently too busy?)… MORE
Remember when I pretended to get a tattoo of WBNQ’s logo on my chest for April Fool’s? Well, this really happened!… MORE
Here they are: the top 30 songs in BNQ’s 40 year history…so far!… MORE
Missed part one? Check it out here. We’ve been telling you all year how 2015 is our 40th anniversary, and with the end of the year upon us, we thought it’d be fun to share with you the top 101.5 songs in WBNQ’s history. There’s nothing scientific about it: we looked at stuff we’ve played…… MORE
It was a much different time, indeed. The speed limit was 10 mph, coffee was 16 cents a pound, and apparently bears looked like beavers…… MORE
It’s no secret I’m a fan of the 80’s & 90’s…I’m also a HUGE fan of dance movies and musicals! The knarlier the music, the brighter the leotard, and the cheesier the dance sequence, the better. Of course there are the dance movies everyone knows about…Dirty Dancing, Grease, Footloose, Flashdance, Saturday Night Fever, Sister Act…… MORE
In the 60’s & 70’s we had the The Beatles, The Jackson’s, and The Monkees. In the 80’s we had New Kids On The Block and Boyz II Men. In The 90’s & 2000’s we had N’ Sync, The Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, O-Town, LFO, and Color Me Badd. And now, we have One Direction and…well, do…… MORE
How has BNQ music changed over the past 40 years? Like. Freakin’. Crazy.… MORE
If you know what video this screen grab is from, you were a 90’s kid, or just part of the coolest people in the 90’s.… MORE