Susan has tickets for winners of TS TRIVA at 7:15AM… MORE

Susan has tickets for winners of TS TRIVA at 7:15AM… MORE
Take a look at the nominee list and then vote for your favorites… MORE
Details on how to sign up to be in the parade and raise money for BRIGHTPOINT found right here!… MORE
Listen to #TheSusanShow to win a set of self care items and services… MORE
Thank you for all the donations, but more can still be made!… MORE
Incredible food, and you can win food for 2 from #TheSusanShow… MORE
Listen To Win Friday’s with #TheSusanShow… MORE
Customers are not required to buy something not just loiter… MORE
Happy Holidays!-Merry Christmas!-Happy Hanukkah! We will back in studio Thursday 12/26/24 with all your hit music, prizes and more! Thanks for listening!… MORE
Now through December 31st, fans can take advantage of three big savings deals… MORE