Christmas coming early this year!… MORE

Christmas coming early this year!… MORE
The Whitney Houston hologram has emerged, but there’s a problem, her estate didn’t approve it and had no idea it was happening. Scott Storch teamed… MORE
A follow-up film to the Disney classic The Lion King has been given the green light. Moonlight director Barry Jenkins has been assigned… MORE
If you love chocolate and you love beer, you’re about to be a happy person. Yuengling is teaming up with Hershey’s for a chocolate beer and now… MORE
I just wanted her to dance to “Savage”! Is that too much to ask?!… MORE
Drake fans are feeling like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to his new album. Many have been trying to figure… MORE
Once again, TikTok has managed to escape getting banned by the White House – for now.… MORE
Researchers in Houston say the coronavirus is mutating into a new strain – one that’s more resistant to facemasks and hand-washing.… MORE
Pumpkin spice drinks are soo last decade. It’s time to embrace the soon-to-be next trend: Maple Syrup Ice Cubes. The practice is already making waves… MORE
“Alexa, I’m Getting Pulled Over”… MORE