Tributes have flooded in since Prince passed away aged 57 on Thursday, but one British artist has shared a really creative look back at the artists’ life. Gary Card made an awesome GIF showcasing… MORE

Tributes have flooded in since Prince passed away aged 57 on Thursday, but one British artist has shared a really creative look back at the artists’ life. Gary Card made an awesome GIF showcasing… MORE
Earth Day is a day to celebrate where we live! Of course there are beautiful places on the surface, but USA Today has made a video from an astronaut’s point of view. They use images from astronauts like … MORE
You may have heard (if you listen to me talk on The Susan Show in the morning) that Disney Channel is celebrating the release of their 100th Original Movie by throwing a 4-day long marathon jam packed with all your favorite DCOMs! I have obtained the schedule… MORE
THIS WOMAN IS MY HERO. Not only did she see the opportunity, she committed to it THE. WHOLE. TIME. No one can come between her and her pure and true love… MORE
Wow! This is a really cool video from inside a Tesla with the autopilot feature!… MORE
10 years ago today, Daniel Powter was #1 on the Billboard Hot 100! Relive his biggest hit with “Bad Day”! … MORE
We need to talk about 1) how this tiger is all of us when we wake up and 2) how cute this little boy is. … MORE
THESE BROTHERS ARE THE WORST. This poor girl just wanted to get her wisdom teeth out. Little did she know her brothers were… MORE
So, here’s the deal. When I wear any socks other than those tiny little no-show, ballet slipper looking ones, my shoes sound like this…… MORE
Ellen DeGeneres spoke out against Mississippi’s new law that allows people to deny the LGBT community the right to adopt children, hold jobs or..… MORE