Category Archives: Daily Video

New Taylor Swift Video Is Amazing! [VIDEO]

New Taylor Swift Video Is Amazing! [VIDEO]

SERIOUSLY THOUGH. If you didn’t catch this at the Billboard Music Awards last night, you NEED to watch it. Taylor is joined with an incredible cast of girls in this music videoMORE

Shower Thoughts From Anna Kendrick

Shower Thoughts From Anna Kendrick

Pitch Perfect 2 opens in theaters this weekend, and Anna Kendrick is feeling a bit philosophical for Glamour Magazine. They are just as amazing as you would expect.MORE

Ashton Kutcher Has Won Mothers Day [VIDEO]

Ashton Kutcher Has Won Mothers Day [VIDEO]

  Ashton Kutcher knows that sentimental value trumps all the money in the world. That was what he was thinking when he planned Mother’s Day 2015. Ashton’s childhood home in Homestead, Iowa is still occupied by his mom and stepdad. The house was built by Ashton and his stepdad when he was 13, and he…MORE

Gary The Kitten Looks Concerned All The Time

Gary The Kitten Looks Concerned All The Time

              Gary the kitten is not super scared right now… He was born this way. With resting concerned face.       His owners Andy and Caroline Entwistle named him Gary, after the singer Gary Barlow, who apparently raises his eyebrows like this when he sings.     His…MORE

Girl Totally Owns Guy On Flex Cam [VIDEO]

Girl Totally Owns Guy On Flex Cam [VIDEO]

  This is too good! You don’t mess with a girl with guns! Especially when it could lead to public humiliation. At first, you can see the girl kind of give the guy some flack for his “muscles”, but when the camera moves back to her, she reveals where the real gun show is!  …MORE

Will It Blend? Apple Watch Edition [VIDEO]

Will It Blend? Apple Watch Edition [VIDEO]

  I don’t know why, but this is super mesmerizing. Poor Siri. She didn’t ask for this.   Blendtec has blended almost everything Apple has ever released. Now, it’s time for Apple Watch to hit the fan… I mean blender.     I told you it was oddly satisfying.       Andy Corbin <–Tweets…MORE