Great Scenic Vacation Spots within the U.S.A.

Trying to take an exotic vacation but trying to stay national? This beautiful nation of ours offers some fantastic opportunities to get out, relax, hike, or sight see. Here is a list of highly recommended scenic spots within America.

1. The Grand Canyon, Northwest AZ.


The Grand Canyon and the rest of northern Arizona for that matter, are absolutely breathtaking. The Grand Canyon is something that you have to see to believe. Pictures may look incredible, but they are not enough to do justice to this incredible natural phenomena. If you’re planning at all on exploring the rest of the northern AZ, Sedona is a hikers playground. It is called the red rock county of the world, and rightfully so. This unlimited horizon of possibilities offers hundreds of hiking trails, beautiful sightseeing, and a very fun downtown area to window-shop in.


All in all Arizona will not disappoint, and has plenty of hidden gems around every corner.

2. Yellowstone National Park


Overlapping three separate states is the infamous Yellowstone National Park. Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming all have the pleasure of hosting the 3000 plus square mile wonderland of mountains, canyons, multi colored pools, geysers. waterfalls, and so much more. If you even remotely enjoy camping, this location should be a no brainer.


Whether it’s a hiking expedition, a camping trip with your family, or just getting away from it all, Yellowstone National Park will offer you a cost effective home away from home in it’s unreal natural environment.

3. Yosemite National Park, California

Yosemite National Park in southern California is 1200 square miles of sight seeing that your eyes won’t let you believe. You will be seeing some of the most towering, jagged rock formations, which might be a slight contrast from all the fields of corn surrounding you now, if you live in the Midwest. There are a few national monuments to be seen, and of course, many small cracks and crevices to dive into and discover. It’s no wonder that more than 4 million people find their way to this place every single year.

This beautiful country we live in has an exponential amount of locations to be discovered, and this list doesn’t even begin to scrape the surface of opportunities that the land of the free presents. From sea to shining sea, you will not find yourself upset with anything in between. These pictures, although glorious, can’t even begin to express the kind of awe you will experience when seeing them with your own two eyes. It is highly recommended that you take a scenic vacation to truly experience America.