No, you CANNOT have my food!

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Photo Credit:
(Photo has been resized from original)

How many times have you wished you could arrest your friends for doing this! (seriously, quit eating my food…)

A Washington DC woman was recently arrested for stealing French fries from a police officer. The woman sat down next to the officer at a cafe and tried to begin a conversation with him. She stole one of his fries before he asked her to stop. The woman took another and ignored the officer’s request to stop. She was placed under arrest after she stole a third fry. The woman was charged with second-degree theft.

As a police report explained: “The listed offender appropriated the listed property without the consent of the listed complainant.”

The report also listed the stolen property as “French Fried Potato . . . quantity 3.”

So what have we learned here? Don’t steal from a police officer? At least not when he is literally sitting there telling you to stop? Hmmmmmm