My First Bloomington Thunder Game!

Saturday NightBloomington Thunder

Saturday night I attended my first ever Bloomington Thunder hockey game!

First off, let me just say that it’s so freaking awesome to have the U.S. Cellular Coliseum here in Bloomington. What an excellent venue to have here locally, it’s very professional and clean, and definitely gives a big city feel to our lovely little community. As for the hockey, it was a blast! Not only are the Thunder in the playoffs this season, but they have all the features of a major league team, at a local value.

Some of the highlights from my experience:

  • A good, competitive game! The final score Saturday night was 3-2, so there was plenty of action, plus overtime and a couple of fights (a hockey fan must)
  • The little blimp they fly around the arena and drop coupons from is adorable and fun! Definitely something you’d see at a larger venue.
  • Good video feed and commentary, as well as in house jumbotron material. You can tell they are putting in the effort to provide a high quality product.
  • The fan games – they played lots of games like trivia, a dance off, and other classic on ice escapades. It was fun to watch and probably much more fun for the lucky fans who participated.
  • Lot’s of free stuff! There we constantly hockey pucks and team merch being handed out or launched into the crowd. If I hadn’t been sitting up in the suites I would have probably caught a prize myself.
  • A lot of the merchandise was half price that night, I ended up buying two team jerseys, which look great! (see photo above)
  • I only had to drive about 5 minutes from my home. hey hey!

Overall I’ll definitely be returning to watching more games in the future, what a great time for a great value! I think this is a team that we can be proud of and I’d love to see more of you out there with me next time!!!!

Check out the Bloomington Thunder HERE: