Why I’m A St. Jude Guy

Why I'm A St. Jude Guy

I know, that isn’t a child.  It’s actually The Lovely Mrs. Davis.  She’s pretty awesome, but she does have one major character flaw: she likes to try and die.  She’s had a couple heart transplants, a kidney transplant and has the cancer for the second time right now.  How does this relate to St. Jude?  Because all of the medical stuff necessary to keep TLMD alive are freakin’ expensive.  Like REALLY expensive.

When a kid goes to St. Jude, they’re really sick, and they believe Mom and Dad should be thinking about their kid and how to get them better, not how they’re going to pay for the treatment.  So, St. Jude NEVER sends a bill.  Not one.  If you’ve ever been to a hospital, you know those bills can be breathtaking…and St. Jude families never see one.  That said, research and doctor salaries and the electric bill have to get paid somehow, and that’s where we come in.

Why am I a St. Jude guy?  Cause when you become a Partner In Hope for just $20 a month, you help make sure these families never get crippled by a ridiculous healthcare bill.  Your donation gets kids healthy and keeps families healthy.  That’s a pretty big deal for not a lot of money.  Pretty good deal, huh?

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