John and Lisa Robinson of Munford,Tennessee, wasted no time letting the world know they were among the three winners who split the 1.6 billion dollar jackpot, as they informed all of America on Friday morning’s “Today” show that they had the winning numbers. This was BEFORE they even secured the ticket with lottery officials.
The couple took their daughter, Tiffany Robinson, and their Memphis attorney and his daughter with them to New York City to appear on the NBC show after calling in to the switch board looking for an opportunity to reveal their news. John Robinson pulled the actual winning lottery ticket, (which was confirmed as a winner later that same day), directly from his front pocket and showed it to the world. Could you carry that around without freaking out? Through multiple airports in one day?
Attorney Joe Townsend said heading to Manhattan was his way of trying to control the family’s story. Wait what????????
“I think the American public wants to hear from them,” Townsend said on “Today.” “Even though they want to be private after this is over, they want to, you know, let the public know that they’re the winners.”
Control what part of the story? Maybe the part where you are given free press as their now famous lawyer? Or the part where you get your daughter into the story because she is a reporter?
“My dad asked me to handle the publicity for the announcement,” Eileen said Thursday. “I just googled the phone number for NBC and eventually made it to the right people.” After making the connection with the network, the Robinsons and Townsends were on a plane to New York within hours.
Good job Eileen! So glad your expert attorney dad had you around to figure out GOOGLE. Eileen Townsend is a staff writer for Memphis magazine and the Memphis Flyer. She didn’t even get the exclusive story for herself. GEE THANKS DAD!
Attorney Randy Zelin talked some sense later that same day to CNN about the Robinsons announcing their win on TV before claiming the prize at the lottery offices. His voice is one of thousands of legal eagles decrying the horrible advice given by Mr.Townsend to the Robinson family.
They look and sound like very nice folks who want to enjoy their good fortune while keeping their lives simple by staying in their jobs and still living in their original home. But, 187.5 million dollars (after taxes), will bring out the crazies from all over the world to their front door step, no matter how many “No Trespassing” signs they put out. Their social media pages have been shared by many in their home town, so that’s a starting point for information for potential kidnappers, con artists, beggars and the like. Heck, their dog is now in danger because everybody knows what she looks like!
P.S. Tennessee lottery rules permit jackpots to be claimed in the name of a trust for more privacy, which they didn’t even think about doing because their lawyer is obviously crazy.
Best of folks! Can I have some money if I come visit?