So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

Image by Lady Tim

Posted by Tim Taylor

Today was my last here with WBNQ.  We didn't make a big deal out of it because A) St. Jude Radiothon (thank you again for your incredible generosity), and B) I'm not big on good byes.  This is actually the second time I've left BNQ, the first being when I graduated from Illinois State.  An opportunity has come along that I couldn't pass up, so unfortunately it's time to head out.

I want to be clear: I love this place.  This radio station is very special to me, and I have made life long friends thanks to working here (hi Russell, Otis, and Tony!).  I made more this time around as well.  I'll always love Bloomington-Normal.  This is home and always will be.

I need to take a quick second to thank some people.  I understand if you skip this part.  The list would be WAY too long if I thanked everyone, but I think I've done a decent job getting to most people in person, so don't be offended if you're not listed here.  First, thanks Kristin.  Our show was six of my favorite months in a fifteen year radio career.  You're gonna go far kid.  Thank you to Susan for always teaching me what it means to be a true pro.  Thank you to Faith for being a constant ray of sunshine.  Thanks Davis for believing.  Thank you to RC, Fitz, Beth, and JD for being great friends.  Thanks to Ray for all the visits to the Barrel.  Thank you to Red and Dan for the mentorship.

And the most important one thank you is to you.  Without you listening, calling, Facebooking, etc. we're just crazy people talking to ourselves in a room.  I have loved each and every single one of you.  This isn't good bye, it's see you down the road.