Facebook Fite Theatre: Best Ham EVER! 2/10/15 [AUDIO]

Facebook is a wonderful form of entertainment, really. It's up there with Netflix. Get some popcorn and hit play on this one. Trust me, you'll want it.

As always, please send us the ridiculous ones you've seen!


CJ: I just got shot down by the girl who took my order at Arby's. I'm a loser. #FML


ALLEN: Sorry man. That sucks. Lets get hammered like St. Patty's Day and forget all about it.


CJ: I can't drink right now. I have an intestine infection and I'm on meds. I'll just stay home and watch re-runs of The Big Bang Theory. I can't get my feelings hurt if I don't go out.


MARK: Come on over and watch a movie with me and my girl. It will be fun. I'm watching National Treasure with Sarah tonight. She has never seen it.


CJ: I already saw that movie like 10 years ago and hated it. I also don't want to be a third wheel. Plus seeing you two together will remind that I'm gonna be alone without any possible love interest for Valentines Day.


CINDY: Cheer up CJ. Things will be better. You gotta stay positive. You gotta change your attitude, Dude! You're always so negative. It's hard to handle sometimes. That's probably why you can't find someone. Just saying!


CJ: I love when people say "Come on CJ, you gotta stay positive. Like I'm over here wanting negative stuff to happen. Nothing works out with love, my career, my family, and basically anything else life throws at me. It's easy to give advice when you have a rich Daddy and a rich husband. And don't call me, Dude! You're like 45 years old. Quit trying to be so "hip"!


CINDY: What crawled up your butt and died.? I tried to help but again you choose to be a negative AGAIN, I'm not the one complaining about being turned down by some loser at Arby's.

MARK: I love Arby's. You guys need to try their ham and chicken sandwich. Seriously ..BEST…HAM…EVER!!!