Davis’ Throwback Video Track [VIDEO]

If there’s one thing I admire about Celine Dion (other than her being Candian — that alone is worthy of admiration), it’s her willingness to beat the living hell out of herself in the service of her art.


I mean, you have to admit, that takes a certain amount of stones to put up with that much self-abuse.  

Anyway, you may be familiar with Celine’s biggest hit…yuuuuuuuup, I speak of “My Heart Will Go On,” the theme song from the movie “Titanic.”  (Spoiler alert!  Stop reading right here if you don’t want to know the boat SINKS IN THE END!  Bwahahahaha!)

#1 on the charts on February 7, 1998: “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion: