Facebook Fite Theatre: You Don’t Want Someone Who’ll Cheat [AUDIO]

Image by Kristin

Blog by The Afternoon Overdrive with Tim and Kristin

Oh, you know how Facebook goes. You're just scrolling through your newsfeed for the 78th time today, when all of the sudden, you see someone post their drama. Better yet, someone calls them out on it and an argument ensues. 

This, my dear friends, is the beauty of Facebook Fite Theatre. So, like always, while you are looking at facebook (because we know you are), screen shot the good ones you see and send them to us! We'll keep our sources a secret and change the names… don't you worry!


Without further ado, I present to you: Facebook Fite Theatre (Imagine one of us saying that in a horrible British accent). Please. No cell phone disruptions in the theatre!



Lynette: well everybody im single again. but guess what im not upset cuz why would i want someone thats gonna cheat on me

Brittany: Oh no im sorry

Lynette: its ok im better off anyways

Brittany: Yes u deserve better. Men get on my damn nerves! wut happend

Lynette: He wanted to b with his wife