Girl Undergoing Chemo Gets Surprise From Her Homecoming Date

Allie Allan and Date
image: facebook


Allie Allen, a high school senior and total babe, was totally shocked when her homecoming date picked her up with a surprise.

Allie was diagnosed with anaplastic ependymoma when she was 14 years old. After a recent relapse, Allie had to undergo chemotherapy and consequently shave her head.


Allie Allan Hair Loss
mage: bored panda


Despite these setbacks, Allie isn’t about to let cancer slow her down. With the help of her family and friends, Allie is handling her diagnosis like a total boss.

“I have been getting extremely sick and weak, which I really hate,” Allie writes on her GoFundMe page. “It’s so hard going from being an active dancer to not even being able to stand up long enough to brush my teeth some days. But it all comes in waves — one day I won’t be able to walk or talk or eat much, while the next day I can feel fine and have energy to do whatever!”


Allie Allan Getting Ready
mage: GoFundMe



Allie was pretty nervous about attending her high school homecoming with a shaved head, but her homecoming date (a friend she’s known since middle school) went above and beyond to make sure Allie felt supported.

“Brayden Carpenter shaved his head prior to the dance so Allie would feel comfortable,” Allie’s mom wrote on her Facebook page. “Allie had no clue until he showed up! Now that is class!!!”



Allie Allan and Date



Don’t they look amazing??? Allie said that even though she’s having a hard time dealing with her shaved head, she’s definitely making the best of it.


“One of these pictures shows my scar, now everyone can see it, but a scar is a tattoo with a better story, right?”

