Facebook Fite Theatre: Pensacola [AUDIO]

Ah the most basic of all human instinct, that of which to fight over very public social media platforms. #HashtagGeneration #YouKidsTheseDays

We all know someone like this. I'd be willing to bet that you've seen a fight or two run across your newsfeed. The kind that makes you want to run and grab popcorn and see what happens next.

Well, next time you see one, send it to us! We'll happily add it to our modern day version of Masterpiece Theatre, Facebook Fite Theatre.


Adam: So I’m pretty sure Amber just left me in Pensacola…


Amber: I did. Something I put a lot of thought into before acting. I feel terrible but it’s better for the both of us just to rip the band aid off so to speak. This living situation is not working anymore. I’ll mail you any clothes, shoes, last paychecks, or anything else you need ASAP. I’m moving your stuff to a climate controlled storage unit and will pay for it for up to 3 months (I’ll mail you the key to that as well) I’m keeping the couches in exchange for the phone billI paid. And I’ll refund you the prorated rent you’ve already paid for these next two weeks. I know you have a place to stay. Just let it go. Trust me, it’s the best. Nothing good will come of us continuing to live in the same house.

Adam: Gee, thanks….