Facebook Fite Theatre: Retired from Social Media

The amount of dumb that is on Facebook on a regular basis should be illegal… but then we wouldn't have the epicness that was Facebook Fite Theatre. Email us if you've seen a great one come across your newsfeed… because I'm sure you have. I know there's at least ONE person you have in mind RIGHT NOW!! Don't worry, we'll change names. They'll never know. (insert evil laugh here.)



Rhonda: Extra! Extra! Read all about it. Apparently I'm A big fat whale that likes to steal everybody's man. I'm also a horrible mother and I guess I annoy everybody in my life. Oh, this just in….none of you will ever make it out of this life alive without getting stabbed from somebody because you are awful people and will deserve it. Facebook….Im officially out! Can you say RETIRED from social media?


Steve: You'll be back in a week. You can't stay away. You love drama and will be back to whining like you always do.


Rhonda: No I won't and you and your whole family are criminals.


Steve: You're proving my point Rhonda. You are still on Facebook fighting with me.


Rhonda: No Steve, Im just defending myself. It's called having a backbone.


Lawrence: Rhonda, I love you honey but Steve is right. You say you're done with social media but yet you keep fighting and adding to all the drama you're trying to get away from. Listen to Steve.

Rhonda: SCREW ALL OF YOU!!! Rhonda…OUTTIE!!!