Chad Bevers Just Made The Samuel Adams Longshot Finals

Chad Bevers, ABNormal Brewers Club Past President & Heyworth Resident
Chad Bevers, ABNormal Brewers Club Past President & Heyworth Resident

Chad Bevers, just got this amazing message from Sam Adams Beer:

Congratulations!! You and your Sweet Stout will be one of four homebrews advancing to The Great American Beer Festival in Denver this September (9/24-9/27). At the GABF, we will announce the two winning homebrews that will be released nationally. There were a lot of wonderful homebrews, and the judges picked the best of the best.

This means Chad and his wife Amy will be headed out on all expenses paid trip to Denver in September to find out if Chad’s beer will be commercially packaged and sold by Sam Adams in 2016!

Sam Adams Long shot winners/ photo credit
Previous Sam Adams winners/ photo credit


Click HERE to listen to my WJBC interview with Chad when he was still just a top 8 finalist of this competition.


In 1996 we started our LongShot Homebrew contest to recognize the most talented homebrewers in the country and the entries have poured in ever since with the brews getting better and better each year. Additionally, Jim wanted all Samuel Adams employees to have a deep understanding of beer and the brewing process so each year one Samuel Adams employee homebrew contest winner is chosen.

This year, after several rounds of intense, delicious beer tasting, we’ll select one homebrewer from the East, one homebrewer from the West and one Samuel Adams employee homebrewer. The winning beers will be nationally distributed by Samuel Adams in 6-packs in 2016.

Chad Bevers Sweet Stout Brew
Chad Bevers Sweet Stout Brew

Sadly we can’t vote for Chad to win, or buy his beer at this time, but we can root for him in spirit to be the EAST WINNER!

Learn more about home brewing through Chad’s favorite group (he is the past president):

7-1-15 Susan Saunders

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