Who Wants An Implanted Microchip To Replace Their Wallet?

Company Replaces Wallets With Implantable Microchips

If you have a hard time keeping track of your wallet, a European company might have the answer for you.

Walletmor is selling an implantable microchip that keeps track of its user’s financial information.
The chip, which is about the size of a grain of rice, can be implanted in the user’s hand, which can then be swiped over a card reader to make a payment, according to the company.

The good news is the tiny implant is selling for just $300. The bad news is it’s only available for residents of the U.K., Switzerland and other European countries currently

Nearly 200 people already have the implants, according to Walletmor. The company suggests using a surgeon or one of its trusted specialists for the minor operation.

Susan Saunders 4/14/22

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