Are Chick-fil-A’s A Public Nuisance Due To Drive Thru Lines?

Chick-fil-A has become TOO popular and may be in trouble

  • Chick-fil-A has become so popular in one California city that officials are considering a proposition to declare the fast food restaurant a public nuisance.
  • According to a document being considered by the Santa Barbara City Council, the drive-through line at the city’s only Chick-fil-A often stretches into the street, blocking traffic for as long as 90 minutes on weekdays and 155 minutes on weekends. “The city’s traffic engineer, police chief and community development director have evaluated the situation and believe that the persistent traffic back-up onto State Street is a public nuisance and that the nuisance is caused by the operation of a drive-through at the Chick-fil-A restaurant,” the document reads.
  • In response to the proposed designation, franchise owner Travis Collins says he’s hiring someone to control traffic outside the restaurant. The City Council has scheduled a public hearing on the matter on June 7th.

What would you do if you had a different restaurant or business near our local Chick-fil-A and their fans were blocking your entries and parking spots, preventing your customers getting to you? These complaints in California are not the first ones of this kind, and this story may start a fire under a lot of disgruntled neighbors. Is it fair to penalize for popularity? Should different rules apply for this one company? And why does their chicken taste soooooo much better than what I can make?????

Susan Saunders 3/16/22

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