Hailey Baldwin And Justin Bieber Give An Update On Where They Are At Regarding Kids

With the number of celebrities having babies right now it could put some pressure on couples like Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber, who have been married since 2018, to have kids.

Recently Baldwin spoke with the Wall Street Journal and revealed her plan or lack thereof, about having children.

“I think ideally in the next couple of years we would try. But there’s a reason they call it try, right? You don’t know how long that process is ever going to take. Definitely no kids this year; that would be a little bit hectic, I think. There’s this thing that happens for women when you get married. Everybody always assumes it’s: First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby. Well, what about all the things I want to accomplish in my business? I think I had it ingrained in my head that I was going to want to have kids right away and I was going to want to have kids super, super young. Then I turned 25 and I’m like, I’m still super, super young!”