Are Laser Toys Safe for Cats?

If you are a cat owner, you know that your furry friend goes crazy for laser toys, but are they the best choices for your cat?

Lasers if used properly can safe, as long as they are not pointed directly into their eyes.

Laser pointers can cause permanent damage to their retina and even blindness.

A safer alternative to a laser is a flashlight with a focused beam.

Avoid frustration and further keep your cat’s eye safe by pointing the laser onto a real toy giving your cat a chance to really “catch” something.

Cats like to stalk, chase, pounce on and kill their prey, as it mimics their natural hunting behavior. The laser or focused flashlight can only achieve the “stalk and chase” leaving your cat frustrated.

Avoid frustration and further keep your cat’s eye safe by pointing the laser onto a real toy giving your cat a chance to really “catch” something.