Expect The Price Of PEPSI Products To Rise

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They aren’t the only company to start charging more…. Here’s Why

  • You’re not imagining things, prices at the grocery store are on the rise. For Pepsi drinkers that means your favorite soda will be more expensive starting now through the new year. 
  • Higher production costs and worker shortages are the cause of the higher prices and PepsiCo’s CFO Hugh Johnston says that it’s not just Pepsi who are raising prices, other companies such as Procter  & Gamble and their competition, Coca-Cola are also seeing higher costs. 
  • The price hikes will affect PepsiCo’s soft drinks as well as its snack line. As the year ends keep a watch on those prices if you’re trying to watch your pocketbook. 

PepsiCo isn’t the only company fighting rising costs with higher prices at the store. Both Procter & Gamble as well as Pepsi’s direct rival Coca-Cola have also raised prices this year. 

“Luckily, companies like PepsiCo engage in what’s called “forward buying” where they purchase needed materials up to six months in advance. This allows these companies, as well as their retail counterparts, a bit of maneuvering room to ease consumers into accepting higher prices without experiencing a shock while roaming the shelves.

Susan Saunders 10/8/21

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