Britney Spears has asked a judge to end her court conservatorship
Civil rights attorney, David Henderson, says lawyers for Britney Spears’ father have backed themselves into a corner when saying in court that if Britney wanted to end her conservatorship at any time, “all she has to do is go to court and ask.”
Now that she has done that, Jamie Spears and his legal team will have to back up their statements.
As reported Britney spoke in court about her “abusive” conservatorship. Spears said she has an IUD that she wasn’t allowed to remove due to the conservatorship.
“…this has implications that go far wider, because she said that she has an implant device that she is not allowed to remove, which indicates she doesn’t have physical control over her body, in a way that should not be contemplated by conservatorship,” says Henderson.
“Well, today she went to court and asked, so they’re going to have to back up on what their previous position was,” Henderson added.
The dramatic request at a Los Angeles hearing came with her first words in open court in the conservatorship in its 13-year existence.
Spears called the conservatorship “abusive,” and condemned her father and the others who have controlled it.
“I want to end this conservatorship without being evaluated,” Spears said in a long, emotional and sometimes profane speech, in which she condemned the legal arrangement and her father, who has controlled it for most of its existence.
“This conservatorship is doing me way more harm than good,” she said. “I deserve to have a life.”
Spears said she wants to marry her boyfriend and have a baby, but the conservatorship won’t allow her to.
About 100 fans from the so-called #FreeBritney movement gathered outside the courthouse before the hearing, holding signs that read “Free Britney now!” and “Get out of Britney’s life!”
Under the law, the burden would be on Spears to prove she is competent to be released and free to make her own choices.
Susan Saunders 6/24/21