Glamour Cover Girl Simone Biles Debunks Gymnastics Myths

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Gymnast Simone Biles is on the cover of Glamour magazine.

In a video for Glamour posted on YouTube she debunks some myths about gymnastics.

All gymnasts are flexible. Simone said she and Aly Raisman are not flexible but flexible enough to accomplish what they need to.

On gymnastics not being a sport. She said it is a year long sport with no offseason. Gymnasts compete year round.

She trains 32-34 hours a week to compete for 3 minutes.

On whether gymnastics stunts your growth she said she is 4’8 but she does know gymnasts that are 5’6 5’8.

Simone is dating Houston Texan safety Jonathan Owens. When they met he didn’t know who she was.