It’s hard to imagine older Disney classics without evil stepmothers, but some fans are trying to change things
A new petition on is calling for an end to the wicked stepmother trope.
The petition states, “Stepmothers are characterized in movies and books as willfully ignoring their stepchildren in the best case or denigrating and abusing them in the worst case.”
The petition was written by an actual stepmother looking for proper representation to shine a positive light on blended families.
Animated Evil Stepmother examples:
- The Queen (‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs‘) Walt Disney Pictures
- Lady Tremaine (‘Cinderella‘) Walt Disney Pictures.
- Mother Gothel (‘Tangled’) Walt Disney Pictures.
- Meredith in ‘The Parent Trap’ (1998)
- Queen Narissa in ‘Enchanted’
- Dame Olga in ‘Ella Enchanted’
Do you agree that Disney should change the way people view stepmothers? Disney movies are known for having a mom of a major character die quickly at the start of the story, but the evil stepmothers seem to never go away and are part of a nasty plot.
The petition was started by Kelsea Laegreid and reads
”Stepmothers are still portrayed as cruel, evil villains in popular culture. Stepmothers are characterized in movies and books as willfully ignoring their stepchildren in the best case or denigrating and abusing them in the worst case. Disney is the only film studio to regularly portray the “evil stepmother”, they should be the first to promote stepmothers in a positive light. Disney movies and stories have set the tone throughout recent history by creating iconic characters that live for decades and beyond. Children are typically introduced to Disney movies at a young, impressionable age and these movies inform fundamental beliefs that can last a lifetime. Disney could help stem negative stereotypes and help support children’s understanding of blended families. Please join me in asking Disney to produce a major animated film that we can enjoy with our (step) kids that includes a supportive stepmother role. Thank you!”
Susan Saunders 4/10/21