After having Covid in 2020, I was excited and scared to get my first vaccine shot
I had a semi bad case of COVID back in October 2020. Fever, extremely bad headaches, and overwhelming fatigue, plus that weird twist of nausea caused by not losing my sense of smell, instead everything smelled like three day old diapers. I have recovered from everything I experienced after testing positive, but the hair loss is still extreme for me and I’m using special products to try and stop the shedding. If you would like to read all the details about my original journey, just click HERE.
Flash forward to now, March of 2021, and multiple brands of vaccines are being offered in a variety of places to eligible people, and I have finally fit into a category allowing me to make my first shot appointment. Not sure if you are eligible yet?
The MCDH has a lot of vaccine clinics scheduled at the arena in downtown Bloomington, but they aren’t the only ones offering the shots many of us want. Hy-Vee, Walgreens, Kroger and more have also been getting people in and out pretty easily thanks to online appointments and already existing experienced vaccination staffers who have been giving out other shots for years. This turned out to be my road to success when I feel into the 1 B+ group and found an opening at a nearby Walgreens one week later. I was super impressed that even before my arrival, my second shot appointment was already in the books. Nice!
Did it cost anything? (Common question)
NOPE! My original intake forms that were delivered online when I made my appointment asked for my insurance information, but if I didn’t have insurance, it stated clearly I wouldn’t be charged.
Can you ask for help in getting an appointment if the online ways aren’t working for you?
YES! The very wonderful United Way has put together an amazing force of “Vaccine Volunteers” ready to work their computer skills to get you or a loved one an appointment at one of the area clinics. Have them call the United Way 309-828-7383 to ask for that help.
How did you feel after getting your 1st shot????
(We all seem to have a belief on how it will go based on something we have read or somebody said happened to them. Here is my story, which could be completely different from yours, just like having COVID can be unique with your symptoms and long term effects. Hello – non medical professional here disclaimer!)
So here goes…..
My Pfizer shot was put into my arm on Friday around 12:30PM. The in out process was fast and easy in a private area near the pharmacy with just me and a lovely medical attendant who seemed to be having a great day. No long lines, nobody protesting, crying, or begging to get their shot. It was a painless needle stick and she put a red band-aid on my arm. I was on my way in less than 15 minutes after arriving. Wow. I went home and waited for something to feel different, but for the rest of that day, I was side effect free.
Saturday morning my plan was to get up early to drive two hours to see my parents for the day. I had a hard time sleeping the night before, so the 7am alarm wasn’t as easy as it should have been for a regular 4am up and at-em girl, but I made it into the shower, did my hair and makeup ready to go by 815AM. And that is exactly when I started to feel a little different.
My super senior parents had gotten their shots earlier in the week, and Mom kept warning me that if I didn’t feel good to just cancel. I assumed she was just being overly kind. No, Mom, as usual, was correct. She had annoying but not awful symptoms after her vaccination and I followed suit with first a light headed feeling, then saw a fever on my thermometer, with a sudden desire to go right back to sleep. I sent my apology text cancelling my plans to Mom and went back to bed. Hubby was surprised and confused thinking I was gone for the day, but I mumbled something about that he shouldn’t miss his appointment, and feel into a coma like heavy drooling 4 hour nap. After waking up later in the day I moved out of bed to the couch and stayed there the rest of the day. Nothing too bad, but was still tired/floaty and feeling like something worse could be coming. Oh, and my arm near the shot location hurt a lot! Get your shot in your non dominant arm for sure. It stung in the muscle like I had been hit in that shoulder with a hammer. This pain still isn’t gone today (Monday), but it has diminished each day.
And when I woke up Sunday, other than my arm still hurting, I was back to normal! You might have seen me at the store because I was hungry and went out driving to stock up on a few things, but I really felt great and was satisfied with my choice to get a vaccine and start helping the population get this thing under control. Some say that if you have had COVID, you have a “side effect” day after your first shot, and if you didn’t ever test positive, then you might have your “hangover day” after the second shot. Either way, don’t let my story be a deterrent, as it wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been, and my biggest fear of having a return of the super awful headaches didn’t happen.
Now I’m super charged antibodies!!! (Or I will be soon). Current stats say we are already up to 1 in 6 Americans having gotten their full dose, and the production of the number of available vaccines is going up rapidly, making it possible for even more groups to get theirs. #1 Comment I have gotten from people who have been down this road is to get super hydrated before during and after your shots to lesson the negative effects. There isn’t any proof of that being true, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to try it because being well watered is always a good thing.
Thanks for reading and cheers to the future when we can have these chats in person!
Susan Saunders 3/22/21