Top 10 List of Superstitions You Aren’t Alone In Believing


superstition is “a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation” or “an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition.”

In a study of nearly 15,00 people, here are the top superstitions people will admit to having

10. Stepping on cracks

9. Black cats

8. The number 13

7. Opening an umbrella inside

6. Spilled salt

5. Broken mirror

4. Egyptian tombs

3. The number 7. Not all superstitions are bad, and more than half of those surveyed believe that 7 is a good number.

2. Jinxes. More than half of those surveyed refuses to tempt fate by discussing a future event or outcome before it happens.

1. Negativity. Way more than half of the people surveyed believe that thinking negative thoughts can cause bad things to happen.

I will admit to finding some truth in “beginner’s luck”, but not pennies picked up from the ground. Black cats can cross my path anytime, as we had a great black cat pet named JINX, and he brought us only love. Some think bad luck comes in threes, but I have only seen celebrity deaths coming in threes.


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