INTERNET EXPLORER End Date Has Been Revealed

Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Internet Explorer has been pronounced dead

Microsoft announced the 25-year-old browser will disappear from the web on August 17, 2021. Workplace chat software Teams is also going away, and will no longer be available on Internet Explorer as of November 30, 2020. The announcement has been a long time coming, after Microsoft launched its Edge browser five years ago.

25 years is still a pretty good run for one of the most hated software products of all time.

From CNN:

Once the most-used web browser, Internet Explorer had been on a steady downward trajectory for years. Its share of the browser market fell below the 50% threshold in 2010 and now sits at about 4%, according to browser usage tracker NetMarketShare. Google’s (GOOGL) Chrome is currently the browser leader, commanding a 71% share of the market.

Internet Explorer debuted in 1995 as part of Windows 95 and quickly killed off the only other major competitor Netscape Navigator. In 2002, Internet Explorer commanded 95% of the browser market. But people started to search for a new way to search the internet when Internet Explorer became synonymous with bugs, security problems and outdated technology.
Internet Explorer to this day is pre-installed on Windows PCs alongside EDGE, the Microsoft replacement for IE, which still hasn’t put a dent into the popularity of CHROME and FIREFOX. Why did they keep it so long? Older versions of Windows based corporate apps and products still needed it to keep functioning properly.
Susan Saunders 8/19/20
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