New Episode Of ‘Tiger King’ And New Documentary On The Disappearance of Carole Baskins Husband

Joe Exotic Tiger King
Joe Exotic YouTube

Have you watched “Tiger King” yet? It now holds the longest streak as number 1 on Netflix’s Top 10 Titles List. Over the last 3 weeks it has been one of the most talked about things in the world, other than coronavirus.

I binged it in one day, I couldn’t stop watching. When it was over, like any show we have gloriously binged, myself and many others were left saddened and wanting more. 7 episodes just wasn’t enough of the incredible trainwreck revolving around the eccentric Joe Exotic and his husband, and his other husband, and his other husband. And let’s not forget the drama surrounding Carole Baskin and whether or not she killed her millionaire ex husband.

For fans, we just got the best news…another episode of “Tiger King” is on the way, and according to Jeff Lowe at the time of this video he made, cameras were at his house ready to film and the episode would be released “next week!”

Netflix has yet to officially confirm, so hopefully we get some details soon.

In the meantime, we have heard many reports that they are taking a closer look into the disappearance of Carole Baskin’s ex husband Don Lewis, and now it seems that a documentary centered around her will be in production soon. The documentary will be a part of Investigation Discovery Channel, and promises exclusive footage that will “answer questions about what happened”, and hopes it will be just as massive of a hit.

I’m not sure anything can equal the bizarre brilliance that is “Tiger King”, but they can sure try.
