How Do You Pronounce Gif? Jif Peanut Butter Settles The Debate

Jif vs Gif
Courtesy of Jif

It’s one of the biggest debates on the internet…how in the hell do you pronounce Gif?!

Should the acronym for graphics interchange format be spoken with a hard G, or a soft G?

Peanut Butter is here to save the day!

Jif peanut butter to be exact.

In a brilliant piece of marketing, Jif has teamed up with Giphy to release limited-edition jars of PB with two different labels and finally settle the debate on how to pronounce the word “gif.”

One label is spelled GIF and has below it, “Animated looping images. Hard g pronunciation.” The second label says JIF and below it says, “Creamy peanut butter. Soft g pronunciation.”

You can get the limited edition jars on Amazon.

How do you pronounce Gif?
