This Dog Owner Bought A $6 Million Dollar Superbowl Ad To Thank His Vet

WeatherTech CEO David MacNeil really loves his dog.


In 2019, David’s 7 year old golden retriever Scout collapsed, and a veterinarian told him the dog had cancer and sadly only a month to live.

Unable to bear the thought of living without Scout, who was the company mascot, they headed off together to the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine. The doctors there said the dog did have at chance of survival, but it was only a 1% chance.

David said we have to try. So the veterinary school treated Scout with aggressive chemotherapy and radiation, and it nearly eliminated Scout’s cancerous tumor.

To thank the doctors and Vet school, David put together the following commercial to encourage other pet owners to donate to the school’s research divison.

Got a tissue?

This is the second year in a row that Scout will appear in a WeatherTech Superbowl Commercial. This is just the first one to make us cry.

Donations can be made to  (<<<<<<Just use the link)

Susan Saunders 1/29/20

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