Pet Safety Tips For Extremely Cold Weather [VIDEO]



With extreme below-zero temperatures across the land this week, it’s important that we not just keep ourselves safe and warm, but our fur babies as well.

  • Experts say pets need to stay indoors and should only go outside for the minimum time necessary to take care of their ‘business’.
  • Don’t leave your pet alone in the car.
  • Just like with humans, pets will begin to shiver if they’re too cold Watch for this when you supervise your pet doing their outdoor “business”
  • If possible, bundle up your pooch in a sweater or coat before going outside, and wipe down their legs and belly afterwards to remove any snow, ice, or salt.
  • Stray cats like to seek out cars for warmth. Honk the horn or bang on the hood of vehicles to scare them off before you turn on the engine.


Beware of antifreeze:
Animals are drawn to the smell and sweet taste of ethylene glycol in regular antifreeze, which crystallizes in their lungs and kills them. Colder temperatures often remind drivers to add antifreeze to their vehicles, and spillages become hazardous to animals.There is a pet-safe version of antifreeze that instead uses propylene glycol – some states require its use – but it’s more expensive and some drivers eschew it.

And here are more tips, with really cute animal photos, from pet channel Howdini:

Susan Saunders 1/20/19

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