He may be number one in the box office right now with Bryan Cranston in “The Upside”, but Kevin Hart is looking to add to his ‘bank’ as he joins the production of ‘The Monopoly Movie’ as a Producer and focal character. The movie is rumored to follow a boy from Baltic Avenue as he tries to get rich. While the board game has been in cinematic limbo for nearly 10 years, it looks like it’s now finally time to brush the dust off the box and create some enemies with the family. No? that’s not how you celebrate holidays at your house? The Davies’ family is more of a clue family anyway.
First Jumanji, now this, next thing you know Kevin Hart will be playing a Doctor in the “Operation” movie.
…I’d probably see that movie too.
Also, Fun Fact: Monopoly has been translated into 47 different languages and at this moment the monopoly-wiki says there are 1144 versions of the game*.