Welcome to 2019: The Year of Blade Runner

Does the future ever freak you out? Well for a lot of us we’re attempting to live out the sci-fi fantasies of our childhoods, and beyond.

@RadioDavies here, and welcome to 2019. In 1982 Ridley Scott and Harrison Ford teamed up to bring us one of the ground breaking films of the early 1980’s: Blade Runner. The story of a bounty hunter on the mission of hunting down artificial intelligence hiding in plain sight within humanity, and begs the question who’s human anyway.
But let’s step away from the plot. In 2016 we saw a similar issue with the original back to the future. We were living out our “futuristic fantasies.” Both movies got some things right, some things are ‘in development’, but more often than not, they got a lot of things very very wrong.

We’d have robots
I mean, technically we do have robots.

What Boston Dynamics is pulling off these days is straight out of my nightmares (I’m terrified of Aliens and or Artificial Intelligence becoming our overlords)  buttt artificial inteligence is for sure not a thing quite yet. We are on the path of getting there potentially before 2049 (the year of the Blade Runner squeal) so keep talking to Siri and i’ll meet ya there.

We’d travel in flying cars
If you did’t lay in your bed as a kid dreaming about a world filled with flying cars I need to talk to your parents. Although we are over run with ‘hoverboards’ and Tesla’s that don’t need a driver, unfortuately we are still quite a ways away from flying cars.

We’d be seduced by advertising
One of the most iconic aspects of Blade Runner is that they they you into a world COVERED in advertising. They were spot on. Everywhere you look in our world you’ll find a screen trying to sell you something, and it’s only getting worse.

Weather would not be the same
I’m going to stay away from the Global Warming argument, not worth having over a sci-fi movie. All I’m saying is that is rained A LOT in Blade Runner and it’s snowed maybe once this winter in Central Illinois. Things are changing, get with the times.

We’d talk to computers
It’s not sci-fi without a love for technology! Although we’ve moved away from the 16 bit idea that the majority of computers within the movie use, the concepts of talking to your computer, video chatting, and smart tech are all very present within the movie.

And we’d be wearing some weird stuff
I’m disappointed they didn’t take more risks with Harrison Ford’s character throughout the film, but we do see some wonderful pieces in the movie; head to toe in glitter and bedazzles, see through rain/trench coats, a face full of eye liner. If nothing else we look good in 2019, but the idea of what we’d look like is way off. I’m for sure taking some of these ideas to run with throughout the year, especially at Halloween, i’d be lieing if i said i didn’t already look into buying a transparent raincoat.

1982 was 37 years ago. 37 years from now will be 2056, 7 years after the original Blade Runner sequel. I will for sure be sitting down my future family to show them the world I grew up in, in comparison to the cinematic depiction. Hopefully by then we can do it all in the back seat of our flying Teslas.

I also tweeted throughout my viewing of Blade Runner on twitter. You can check out my takes by searching #BladeRunnerReview or following me on any social platform: @RadioDavies
See you in the future