Happy New Year?
Davies here, and I’m hitting the phase in my life where others are really starting to ‘get it together’. Friends are getting engaged over the holiday break, I’m going baby showers of people I never thought would settle down, and I went to more weddings in 2018 than I thought I’d ever go to in a lifetime.

So here’s the thing, we’re now in a ‘new year’. Everyone is ready to take their lives to the next step and really ‘put all of that behind them’. I’ve never been a big fan of new years resolutions because if you want to make a change, make a change. Just do it, right? Easier said than done. Let’s break down some of the biggest cliche new years resolutions, so that you can welcome the change of 2019 with open arms.

1- Exercise
It has to be a priority. The biggest excuse I hear about the gym is that people “don’t have the time.” The best way to stay excited about getting your butt in shape is to find a way to make it fun. Join a league, a group class, make a pact with a friend; find a way to keep a smile on your face while you work off those double chins.

2-Eat healthy and clean all the time
No way. I’m not a robot. I love pizza. There’s no way I could go without pizza at least once a week. Don’t cut the things out of your life that bring you bits of joy, but how about working on some control? Rather than 4 pieces, two and a salad? Less ranch for dipping? Pizza once a week, once a month, make it a treat for successfully accomplishing your goals?
…You remember pizza parties for your birthday as a kid right? How fricken’ awesome they were?! Throw yourself a monthly pizza party for killin’ it that month.

3-Stop procrastinating
Baby steps here. All of these are about breaking bad habits to improve your overall life. Start with a planner. I’m a big fan of the paper calendar hanging both in my office and at my apartment. Get ahead of your problems.
…Then when you successfully pull of being more organized, boom, pizza party.

4-Save a lot of money
“Treat yo’ self” comes out of my mouth more than I’m willing to admit. This is a serious issue for me. I talked with some friends and family about the issue and some of the best advice I got is to put this problem in someone else’s hands. Hire a financial planner. Accountability is one of the best ways to solve any issue. If you’re really serious about turning your life around in any of these situations, finding help outside of yourself may be your best bet.

5-Give up your worst habit for good
Smoking, drinking too much, drug problem, anger issues? We all have our demons. We are all human. Seeking out a support group or even a blog about the problem can help. Seeing how others deal with similar issues can help! Also, even if you have a moment of weakness and fail, GET BACK ON THE HORSE! Don’t give up because you made a mistake. It’s a work in progress people!

6-Read more
Start small. Magazines are always a good call for me. Stop taking your phone to the bathroom and instead make an effort to read an article.
Also, no shame in comic books. Did you see how much money Avengers and Black Panther made?! Just because you’re not reading New York Times best sellers doesn’t mean you’re not improving. Best way to transition out of watching too much TV is reading something with pictures.

7-Get more sleep
The older I get, the more I’m realizing beauty sleep is very much a real thing. This goes right there with working out for me. It has to be a priority. You have to want to turn off the TV and get into bed. THEY SAY WE NEED 8 HOURS OF SLEEP A DAY, EIGHT HOURS! Take care of #1 folks, the party can wait.

8-Cut off contact with toxic people in your life
Relationships go two ways. As you start off the new year working on yourself, keep mental note of the people who are making an effort for you. With all of the personal improvements you’re making, you’re not going to have time for these people. By focusing on yourself you’ll see the people that want to make an effort on their end to be in your life.

9-Spend more time with family
I get it, you don’t choose your family. Everyone has their issues, but at the end of the day you only have one family. If you have issues in your family, take the steps to be the bigger person within the situation and extend that olive branch.

No matter what, promise me one thing? Really try. Make an effort in 2019. Put yourself in situations that challenge you.Help yourself grow as a person. Don’t let the date determine you from you being your best self, get out there and make it happen. Cheers to you and yours in the new year. Buckle up, it’s gonna’ be a wild one with WBNQ!