Like it or not, women are always looking for subtle clues to discover if the guy they are with is Mr. Right. Here are a few tests for you guys out there and how to pass each.
• The family test — If you remember things about her family, mention them on later dates. If you don’t remember, just ask her. You’ll score points by showing a sincere interest.
• The gift test — In the first months, it’s the thought that counts. Choose little gifts that demonstrate your attention to things she has mentioned.
• The “wait for her to open the door” test — Never speed off while she’s left there fumbling for her house keys. Watch from the car to see her go inside the house before leaving.
• The waiter test — She watches how you interact with total strangers. How you treat others, especially strangers, is a reflection of how personable and down-to-earth you are.
• The “ask me later” test — This is a sneaky one. The two of you are out for dinner, and she leans over and says, “Remind me to tell you something later on.” Write a note on your hand if you have to, but do not forget to follow through on this.
• The “is she prettier than me?” test — She will set you up for this one, and the less you say, the better. A great response is, “Why do you even have to ask me? Don’t you know you’re the prettiest?”
• The “I had a bad day” test — If she comes home from work complaining about what a horrible day she’s had, let her vent and don’t suggest solutions to her problems. Simply reassure her that she’ll feel better in the morning.