“Dry January” is a campaign where people sign up to abstain from alcohol for the month of January
For those trying to reset their body for the new year, Dry January is the best time; however, some people aren’t supportive of your journey.
Here are things you shouldn’t say to someone doing Dry January:
“Can’t you just have one drink?” The answer is no! “This comment disrespects a person’s decision to abstain from alcohol and suggests they are incapable of limiting themselves when drinking,” said Laura Caruso, a dating and relationship therapist in New York.
“Do you have a problem?” Dry January or any other alcohol-free month does not substitute Alcoholics Anonymous or recovery programs.
“Do you miss alcohol?” Maybe, but there are plenty of ways to have fun without alcohol, and Dry January is a great chance to explore a few.
If you are participating in Dry January, and are normally a regular to heavy drinker, make sure you are aware about the potential risks of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AW )!
Susan Saunders 1/3/23