Were You In The American Idol Hometown Tour Video?

Leah Marlene’s Success On American Idol Caused A National Spotlight For Normal, Illinois!

Central Illinois is still over the moon excited for Leah Marlene and her success on American Idol. Sure, it doesn’t seem real that she didn’t win the title, but we can all agree her talent is limitless and she is still going to have a VERY bright future in the music industry! After all of her incredible performances on ABC TV, important people will be banging on her door and maybe not having that A.I. contract will be a good thing? Time will tell. And we will count the days to her next performance in Uptown Normal, which should be in June on her birthday during Make Music Normal-more details on that are still to come….

The next time you see Leah, or talk to her online/social media, make sure you give her gratitude for the incredible advertising her hometown tour brought to our community! The camera crews stopped by here at WBNQ, Normal West, Uptown Circle and many other local spots. Did you see yourself in the final package? Let’s watch again together!

I even got included as American Idol used the flashback video from Leah being on the air with me on WBNQ when she was 10! After my profile was on screen for 0.5 seconds, my mom called me immediately as she could see it was me on her TV, that was fun for us both. I am thrilled to be part of this even in such a small way because watching Leah grow into who she is today has been nothing but a joy, and I can take a smidge of pride that I spotted her as a gem very early in career.

In the finale show, not long after all the hometown tour videos aired, Leah was eliminated from the competition, and many at the watch party we enjoyed at Redbird Arena (with love from Country Financial) decided to go home because Leah was done-right?

Not our girl! She returned later in the evening to perform an amazing duet with Katy Perry of her iconic hit “Firework”, and on stage with her is was guitar legend/superdad Derry Grehan! (check out his wikipedia page by clicking the link and see how talent runs strong in that family) Anyhoo, the late in the show performance is getting some of the most buzz of the night!

I’m going to be watching this again and again…

So that’s all for now. Not sure what to talk about now that IDOL isn’t in all my stories. When it all calms down, I hope to give Leah our WBNQ platform again to discuss her future plans, but she needs to make some first, and after 7 weeks of 100 mile an hour rehearsals/performances/ and travel, let’s give her a little peace to recoup and sleep in her own bed until she is ready.

She deserves a nice vacation don’t you agree? #blonolovesleah

Susan Saunders 5/23/22

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