Netflix Exploring Option Including Commercials

Netflix Exploring Ad-Supported Option For Lower Price

According to Netflix co-CEO Reed Hastings, Netflix is looking to add an ad-supported option at a lower cost for customers.
Hastings touted the move to ad-supported content by Hulu and other streamers during an earnings call and admitted that he wasn’t a fan of the idea for a long time.
“I am a bigger fan of consumer choice,” said Hastings on the call. “Allowing consumers who would like to have a lower choice and are advertising tolerant get what they want makes a lot of sense.”
This new option won’t be available for a year or two but know that Hastings and his team are looking into the option, which may be what you want when you parents have to stop sharing their NETFLIX password with you!

Netflix estimates that over 100 million of its subscribers worldwide and 30 million in the United States and Canada are engaged in password sharing.

Netflix costs $9.99, $15.49, or $19.99 a month, depending on the package you select. The middle tier price point allows for two screens to run Netflix simultaneously. If you pay the top tier price, then you can have 4 screens at the same time.

Netflix has announced that it will begin a crackdown on password sharing around the world. This news comes at the same time as an announcement that Netflix has lost 200,000 subscribers in the last three months, and predicts to lose another two million in the next three months.

Susan Saunders 4/20/22