How Tall Is The World’s Tallest Family?

Meet The World’s Tallest Family

A Minnesota family has been named by Guinness as the world’s tallest.
Scott and Kristina Trapp and their three children Savanna, Molly, and Adam,
have set the record with an average height of 6 feet, 8.03 inches.

The Trapp family, which is made up of Scott, 57, Kristine, 52, Savanna, 27, Molly, 24, and Adam, 22, has an average height of 6 feet, 8.03 inches. Their combined height is equivalent to half the length of a tennis court, Guinness said.

Adam is the tallest at 7’3, while mom Kristina is the ‘short’ member of the family at just 6’3.
All three Trapp children were recruited by colleges for basketball or volleyball.

The family was confirmed as the tallest in the world back after visiting a local orthopedics doctor to be measured. Each family member had to be measured three times throughout the day, both standing up and lying down. The average of those measurements was used to calculate their height, according to the official record keeper. 

I am also part of a tall family. I’m only 5’10”, but Dad is 6’4″, husband is 6’5″ and there are many tall cousins around, including one who is 7’2″. Still waiting for “THE TALLS” to be declared a protected class with extra accommodations for the height challenged. You can’t diet or exercise away your need for larger seats, extra leg room, and some ceiling heights need to be higher before you install what could be a dangerous for tall people ceiling fan. Yeah, I’ve seen my cousin get hit in the head by more than one of those!

Congratulations to the Trapp family for taking their unique position into such a great story of awareness. Hopefully this story will keep them from having to always answer “How tall are you?”.

Susan Saunders 4/15/22