You May Now Visit Canada Again

Photo by Jason Hafso on Unsplash

Canada will welcome you only if you have proof of vaccination

The Canadian government has prohibited Americans from taking nonessential trips there since March 2020 because of the pandemic. But that changed today (August 9) when Canada opened its borders once again to leisure travel from its southern neighbors.

To get into Canada, US citizens and permanent residents must be fully vaccinated at least 14 days before entering for nonessential travel. Accepted vaccines are Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca/Covishield and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson). All travelers, regardless of vaccination status, will need to show proof of a coronavirus molecular test– such as a PCR test – to enter. Fully vaccinated travelers will not need to take a post-arrival test unless they are randomly selected to do so.

Airlines will verify passengers’ vaccination status through the ArriveCAN app or website before passengers board their flights. Those driving across the border must use ArriveCAN before departing. Information must be submitted within 72 hours before arrival. Children under the age of 12 and unvaccinated dependent children will be allowed to enter the country with a fully vaccinated parent, stepparent, tutor or guardian who is eligible to enter Canada.

Cruises are still not permitted to enter Canadian waters, but the country’s ban on cruise ships with more than 100 passengers is set to end Nov. 1.

The United States extended border restrictions on nonessential travel last month, keeping its borders with Canada and Mexico closed through at least Aug. 21. Those restrictions affect land and ferry travel entry.

Susan Saunders 8/9/21

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