Britney Spears wants dad’s power revoked ‘immediately’

Britney Spears has filed paperwork requesting the court to push up her September 29 hearing to August 23.

She filed paperwork that said, “The time has come for Mr. Spears’ reign to end. Every day that passes is another day of avoidable harm and prejudice to Ms. Spears.”

The petition claims that Britney’s father tried to block the Hawaiian vacation she wanted to take recently.

Britney has requested that her father be removed ‘immediately’ regardless if the concert pushes the hearing up or not.

The petition states, “Although a two-month wait for a hearing on the petition may not seem significant in the context of 13 years, Ms. Spears should not be forced to continue to feel traumatized, lose sleep and suffer further. Every day matters. Ms. Spears’s emotional health and well-being must be, and are, the paramount concern.”