Britney Spears claims her dad won’t let her remove her IUD

For months, reports have come out over Britney Spears’ Conservatorship. Britney recently gave an explosive testimony hoping to end this conservatorship and have her freedom back.

She wants to be able to make decisions on her own because she has felt like a prisoner since her rise to stardom.

One of the big things in her life is her boyfriend, who she wants to marry and have children.

Britney stated, “I would like to progressively move forward and I want to have the real deal. I want to be able to get married and have a baby.”

She continued, “I have an [IUD] inside of myself so I don’t get pregnant. They don’t want me to have children – any more children.”

She further stated, “I’m tired of feeling alone. I deserve to have the same rights as anybody does by having a child, a family, any of those things, and more so.”