Hailey Morinico will do anything for her dogs
Security camera footage in California captured a crazy moment when a 17-year-old teenager named Hailey confronted a large bear in her backyard in order to save her dogs, one of which is a service dog.
In the video we see the mama bear with her two cubs sitting on a fence when the dogs come rushing into the scene.
The bear starting pawing at the barking dogs, and it could have been all over if it wasn’t for the quick thinking and incredibly brave teenager.
After realizing her dogs were in dangerously close proximity to the bear, Hailey Morinico rushed in to push the bear off balance as it perched atop the backyard fence.
It worked! Hailey was then able to get the pups out of harm’s way and safely back into the house.
@bakedlikepieMy cousin Hailey yeeted a bear off her fence today and saved her dogs. How was your Memorial Day?! (WTF?!) #ohno #badass #brave #fight #bear
Over 37 million people have viewed her video of the incident on Tik-Tok since being uploaded on June 1st, 2021. It was posted by Hailey’s cousin Brenda under the name BAKEDLIKEPIE
“I go over to the bear, I look it in the eyes and the first thing I think to do is push it. Push a bear, push an apex predator. To be honest, I don’t think I pushed her that hard. I just pushed her enough to make her lose her balance, so she dropped my dog and I ran out of there. I grabbed my other dog, I sprained my finger and scraped my knee, but we’re all OK.”
Susan Saunders 6/2/21