Sound comes in many colors. Try pink noise instead of white for better ZZZZs
Not waking up as refreshed as you used to? Having a hard time getting down for a good night? Time to bring in some help that could be as easy as searching for free audio online. Maybe you have already tried playing white noise sound in your bedroom before, but there is a better option that just might make you sleep deeper than ever, and it is called PINK NOISE.
What’s the difference between white and pink noise? They both cover all the frequencies that the human ear can hear, but the intensity of pink noise decreases as frequency increases. So whereas white noise can sound like static or a hiss, pink noise is smoother and more soothing across all frequencies.
Noise can be classified as Pink, White, Brown, Black and Red. Want to learn what their differences are? Click HERE.
German researchers recently subjected test participants to pink noise tuned to their brain waves, right before entering deep sleep. Those exposed to the tuned sounds exhibited longer periods of slow wave deep sleep. Not only were participants better off in the deep sleep department, but they were able to retain memory of words they were exposed to before entering sleep.
Susan Saunders 4/23/21