This is the one update you should consider looking into for your iPhone.
We all hate software updates…whether they are on our computers or our phones, but THIS is one update you should do for your iphone. Here’s why.
Most of us hate updates, yes they can fix problems, but most of the time just create more. How many times have you heard someone complain because they just updated their phone and now (insert here) won’t work?
All the time.
But this is one update for Apple’s iOS platform that you should do because it will allow you to stop your activity to be tracked on your phone by certain apps.
With the new update you can choose…allow facebook (and other apps) to continue tracking your activity on your phone and online, or stop tracking altogether.
Basically, if you stop the tracking, advertisers will no longer be able to track your behavior, what you search for, what you shop for, what you purchase, where you go…and they can no longer use it to personalize those annoying advertisements that pop up all over your social media pages.
Those pages are chosen specifically for you because facebook thinks you will like them based on your activity.
So if you do a google search for underwear, you will probably see a ton of ads for underwear. I searched for magnetic lashes the other day, and suddenly my whole timeline was filled with ads from different magnetic lash brands.
That’s why.
So if you don’t mind that…sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t…you can choose to turn keep being tracked. If you hate it, you can turn it off.
This may be one of the first truly positive updates I’ve seen in a long time, other than the sloth emoji.
The other updates people are excited about…the new iOS will allow users to choose a different Siri sound, the ability to unlock your FACE-ID iPhone with your Apple Watch, as well as the ability to unlock your phone while still wearing your facemask (which we’ve been waiting for over a year to be able to do.)
Here’s more from the actual experts.