The outdoors skills list of what we can’t do is pretty long
A recent survey of 2,000 UK adults found a third of adults would be unable to navigate their way around with just a map, while 79 percent would have no idea how to find clean water.
More than nine in 10 couldn’t identify which mushrooms would be safe to eat and 85 percent would be unable to build a raft.
• Know which mushrooms are safe to eat – 92 percent
• Follow an animal tracks – 88 percent
• Create a make-shift fishing rod / net – 86 percent
• Identify edible plants/leaves/berries – 85 percent
• Build a raft – 85 percent
• Navigate using the sun – 85 percent
• Give a distress signal – 85 percent
• Identify three or more constellations – 83 percent
• Purify water – 83 percent
• Tie more than three kinds of knots – 82 percent
• Find clean water – 79 percent
• Find the North Star – 75 percent
• Build a temporary shelter – 74 percent
• Assemble a tent without instructions – 65 percent
• Climb a tree – 61 percent
• Deliver first aid – 58 percent
• Read a compass – 52 percent
• Cook on a camp stove – 43 percent
• Read a map – 37 percent
IF a Zombie apocalypse happens anytime soon, sounds like we are NOT in good shape.
From the MIRROR.CO.UK:
While nine in 10 claim to enjoy spending time in nature, only 14 per cent would rate their outdoor skills as ‘very good’. Nearly one in five confessed they had never been camping, while a tenth haven’t been in such a long time they can’t even remember when it was.
And as many as four in 10 have attempted to show off by doing something outdoorsy, but got it completely wrong.
So before you go, why don’t we watch together this video teaching us how to do a few things in the wilderness that you may have never done before. ( I was also clueless about many of these. Remember, I am a glamper not a survivalist)
Susan Saunders 4/2/21